Motivational Coaching for Women 

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I help women achieve their goals and contribute to the well-being of the world.

If you are in search of strategies to improve yourself and live with greater congruence and integral well-being, I invite you to explore this site where I share information and resources that will be useful to you. Keep reading and remember to subscribe to my MotivAction Newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Get motivated, say yes to life, and bring your dreams to life!

coach de vida para mujeres con exito

Life Coach and Organizational Development Consultant.

I'm Ivonne, a bilingual (English/Spanish) life coach, certified by Leadership That Works Institute. I provide coaching workshops and sessions for women committed to their development, improvement, and integral well-being (mind, body, and soul).

I help these women develop the mindset and skills necessary to believe in themselves and maximize their potential, because self-realized women have the ability to multiply well-being in the world.

In my coaching practice I incorporate my skills and experience in various areas including Coaching, Organizational Development, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Communication, Project Management, Change Management, Meditation, and Reiki.

What kind of results can women achieve in Coaching?

Coaching is a cycle of self-learning through the process of reflection-action-reflection. In coaching we identify what we really want in life, we put goals into action, we reflect on our learning, and we continue with this cycle until we create new ways of being and better results in our life.

The results of the coaching sessions depend on the focus of their own work and the goals of each person. Some examples include:

  • Increased self-awareness and self-confidence.

  • Clarity in personal priorities.

  • Greater confidence in decision making.

  • Development of strategies to overcome specific obstacles and minimize risks.

  • Identification of limiting beliefs and strategies to replace them.

  • Confidence and ability to negotiate.

  • Ability to prioritize activities and find the desired balance.

  • Recognition of the critical inner voice, its intention, and how to manage it.

  • Motivation to achieve goals that are aligned with core values.

  • Integral Well-being.

Testimonials of Women

"After working with Ivonne, I feel more confident in my own leadership and more confident in my instincts. As a result, I was able to be more assertive and make better decisions about the future of my career."


Program Manager

"I really liked the way Ivonne guided me and helped me gain more clarity. One of the exercises in particular allowed me to evaluate myself as a person and define what I really want in life."



"I was amazed at the progress and results achieved through scheduling my goals, the assignments between sessions, tracking my accomplishments, and visualization exercises among others."



"Through the coaching sessions I understood my needs. Now I can verbalize what I need to be well and without feeling guilty. I am in charge of my happiness and I can celebrate the positive changes."


Social Worker

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